Just another week to go & then I’ll be back in my mini sweatshop, trying desperately to catch up on the backlog of orders that has built up while I’ve been away!
While I’m here, with the odd few minutes to spare to actually update my blog, I’d like to welcome all my new followers & to them I say, “please bear with me.....I will surely get more time to update once this final babysitting marathon is over!
Having cooked the kids some salmon tonight, I thought I’d show you some work I did last year, although I have to confess that I’m not a great fan of salmon...ssshh don’t tell anyone!
Salmon steaks cooked in a rich hollandaise sauce in an aged enamelled dish...well, perhaps I might force myself to eat that! :))
By the way, that’s a lemon twist on the top, just in case you were wondering!
This is an Atlantic salmon tail with steaks, vine tomatoes, celery & peppers. Although this photo doesn’t show it, the seeds are visible in the red pepper.
Now, perhaps I might be tempted to eat a salmon provencal dish made with these ingredients...plus some garlic, a few mussels, maybe some fennel.......
8 days & counting!!!
I love your salmon steaks in the roast dishing, wonderful!!!
:D I personally love salmon!!
And yes I know your friend from India, she ordered some things from me and told me she was collecting from the best food miniaturist (she was sweet and included me in).
Only 8 days, you will manage that ;)
I count the days too, next Friday I'm flying to Korea woohoo!
I need to finish some orders before. I'm already afraid of my mail box when I get back lol!
Linda, your work is fab. Let me be a little richer ( read less poor) and I'll ask to fill my pantry. I love everything you do. Do not mind about copycats, you are the first one.
Thank you Linda!
Stephanie.....Korea...WOW, you lucky thing - have a great time & remember to keep your eyes open for mini ceramics while you are there! I'm jealous!
Rosanna.....thank you! *kiss* I gave up worrying about copycats a long time ago, life is too short! I like to think that by helping others make a start in miniature making & helping them along the way, I'm doing my small bit to keep our wonderful craft alive!
llool!! I'm not sure I'll have the time to get some mini ceramics, but I'll keep an eye open :D :D
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