Gosh Blog Awards!!...Thank you Taenia! Having looked at your wonderful blog (in between changing nappies!) I’m honoured that you have given this to me!
Now....though just how am I going to find 15 blogs to pass this on to?? I think I’ll probably need some chocolate to give me inspiration!
Or maybe even more sugar in the form of some melt in the mouth pastel meringues....Oh dear, I can feel my waist growing!!
Now to finding 15 blogs to send the award to! If someone could tell me just how I can make the links work in the text body, I'd be sooo grateful...I just don't seem to be able to get the hang of it!!
1.Kim's Miniatures www.kimsminiatures.blogspot.com
2.Linda Carswellwww.une-petite-folie.blogspot.com
3.Rosanna www.lastanzadigiuggiola.blogspot.com
4.Taenia's Miniatures www.taeniasminiatures.blogspot.com
5.Fluffy Brickswww.fluffybricks.blogspot.com
The penultimate bath time & feeding at the zoo is calling so I'll have to come back to the next 10 later!!
Thank you Linda. Thank you really so much,I'm honoured by you.
By the way... I could die for your meringue.
These are the most incredible little sweets, I can hardly believe what I see!!!
Thank you so very much for the award, it is always a bit of a 'buzz' to receive these!!!
(if you just hit the 'enter' key ater you type each blog address, that will link you straight to the blog....me giving computer advise....who would have thought!!!)
You normally should have a little icone for the link, it's a green world with a little chain on the top (it appears on the bar just over where you write your text).
You just need to select the text you want to link (for instance "here") and it opens a little box where you fill the website.
Not sure if I was clear though :/
Thanks Linda & Stephanie! I'm slowly getting the hang of all this!! For some reason though I can't seem to get Une Petite Folie or fluffy bricks to work....I'll have another go tomorrow!
Linda your meringues are wonderful and has for the Chocolates could eat the lot, had one of them days..
Thanks so much for the award Linda. Your miniature foods are so wonderful. I know what it feels like to have life interrupt being able to create. Sometimes I just have too many other things I need to do but it is so nice when you can find the time for them. Love your work. Real life comes thru.
Mini hugs!
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