As ever, though, the relentless commission work has kept me in the sweatshop all week, night & day...but AT LAST...I've very nearly finished the latest order so I thought I'd let you see how my hens ( & only one was keeping me company whilst I worked on my ponds that day!)make the most of the sun by sunbathing!!
Unfortunately I just missed snapping her whilst both her wings were completely stretched out in the sun!! Has anyone else got hens that love to sunbathe?!! :-))
What a beautiful setting!! WOW! No hens here but Kodak LOVES to sunbathe. He has his own "lounge chair" (pillow, LOL) It's going to be in the 80's here this weekend and my hubby is aching to jump in the pool. Not me, it has to be in the 100's before I do that, LOL
Let me know next time the sun is shining in your lovely garden, Lin - I'll come and visit!
Lovely garden and lucky hen. In Italy most hens work on their suntan on daily basis. May be it's the climate which makes them more indulgent...
Beautiful Garden Linda. Yes we have Chickens that like to sunbathe, they also love a good dirt bathe as well!
Unfortunately, we only have a couple left after Mr Fox decided he enjoyed them for Dinner!
Oh Debbie..I know what that's like! Even the electric fence doesn't always keep foxie away & I have to admit that I am NOT a lover of the animal....if those who think they kill only for food could see the headless bodies of hens/ducks that have been killed just for the "sport" they might think twice abour feeding the foul smelling, disease ridden animals!! Oh Oh...I feel a non pc debate coming on!! :-))
Rosanna....maybe I'm so surprised at my "sunbathers" because we don't get too much sun here, sadly!! Oh to be in Italy!! One of my daughters lived for several yeasrs in Bassano del Grappa & I loved it!!
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