Unfortunately, I had no choice as to how many I was making as it was a case of "not wasting" both the cake mix itself & the seemingly gallons of "icing" that I had made. I had hoped that in the space of two days, the icing mix might have hardened off too much to carry on...but, having experimented by keeping it in wet kitchen towel inside a plastic baggie, to my horror it stayed perfectly workable...so I had no choice but to plod on!

These are just a small sample of the blasted "pretty" little things...But, HOORAY, Finally this afternoon, I finished both the "icing" & the cake mix...NO MORE cupcakes from this mini kitchen for quite sometime.
I forgot to add that I also kept running out of the tiny roses to stick on the icing...never again!

Imagine making what seemed like thousands of these!!
Lol....They are wonderful. I made a special order cupcakery shop with all the cupcakes too. I was so over cupcakes by the time it was finished. Yours are so pretty. Mini hugs!
Oh Kim! A WHOLE shop of cupcakes...you've got me opening the wine bottle!
Oh Linda they're wonderful, just send me some so I stop bothering myself making the perfect cupcakes :D :D
And "never again"... nah, I know you! You're insane, You will make cupcakes again :D :D
your cupcakes were great Stephanie! Anyway since when has "home baking" ever looked perfect!! Mine certainly never does!! LOL
But your's look so good.....and there's so many flavors to make...they're pretty addictive, you know!!
BUT....they look so beautiful!!!
I think we are "ALL" a little crazy...miniatures have that effect on me anyway...we sit for hours to work on the most detailed of items...if your not crazy when you start, you certainly are by the end of the day!!!
Never say never again!! and they are so beautiful that it would be a pity not to do others any more.
LOL Bet your be having a rather large glass of something tonight. But I have to say Linda that your cupcakes are beautiful.
The cupcakes are great. But I understand your complains..there are a lot!!!
COngratulation because they look so pretty.
LOL Debbie....I gave up on the glass & graduated to the BOTTLE!!!!
Thanks Ladies for your lovely words..you never know..I may be mad enough to make some more....sometime :-))
Now, the question remains, "what does one do with soooo many cupcakes"???
mmmmm Linda, Use them as ammunition in a catapult?!! :-))
Fabulous cupcakes!! Hmmmm, I'll take 12 dozen please, LOL, ut-oh, I see them flying towards me! I do know the feeling, but truly they are wonderful! :) Mini hugs, Marsha
They are so beautiful! I know what you mean about feeling like you should use up the icing and cake mix. I always find my prototype is fun and the rest can be hard work. Lovely!
....mmmmmmm... those cupcakes are great!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!!
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