Saturday 1 May 2010

The VERY last of the soft Summer fruits!!

Remember I said that I was lying when I said that I was finished with rolling hundreds of tiny Summer fruits! Well, I was lying...but this time, I promise, that is more..I value my eyesight too much to make anymore ! I just wish it felt more like Summer here, but it doesn' fact, it's so cold that I think it might snow :-((.  Typically, for once, I'm praying for it to rain having put weed & feed on my huge expanse of grass...& although it keeps threatening & is damned cold, NO rain...if there's none by tomorrow I'll have to be out there with the sprinkler watering the stuff in & That's a real PIA! Maybe if you all pray for rain over Durham tonight I'll be OK!

Roll on Summer when I can pick the "REAL" thing...if it ever gets warm enough!!


kimsminiatures said...

We are having a cold and rainy spring here, Today is super windy but i hear that tomorrow is going to be warm and sunny, Your miniature fruits are such a work of art. Hugs~ Kim

Ascension said...

Aqui esta lloviendo, si quieres te mando algo de lluvia a vuelta de correo jejejejejeje
No se como puedes ver hacer esas maravillas tan chiquitinas, estan geniales y reales.
Feliz fin de semana
besitos ascension

rosanna said...

Same here, Spring only arrived 1 week ago, nearly two months late. BTW it's drizzling now ! your fruit is fabolous ! incredibe to look at ! Rosanna

Betty said...

I saw your work and went wow! Glad you decided to make lots of the tiny things. I love it!

Estefanía said...

Que maravilla de frutas! que ricas son en verano fresquitas... un beso!.

onbeingaminimum said...

Beautiful...what else can I say?

Tiny Delights said...

Here in Portugal the sun is shining and it´s already 33ºC (to hot..)

Your fruits are so special. They are beautiful and unique.

Josje said...

Your summer fruits are beautiful, makes me want to eat some. In my garden it's always the strawberries which are the first to be picked, but I'll have to wait at least another month for that.

We finally got some much needed rain here. Hope you got some too!

dora said...

Creo, que lo del tiempo está revuelto en todo el mundo, yo nunca habia visto llover tantos dias seguidos.
Su centro es una preciosidad, como todo lo que hace. Felicidades.
Un abrazo y besos Carmen

C said...

Oh my Goodness - these are amazing. Those gooseberries look so so incredible. Beautiful work. Hugs, Carol xox