If I could only learn to work with Photoshop, I'd have put them all together in one photo...one of these days I'll get round to it, but at the moment I try, swear like a trooper when it all goes wrong & then bin hours of work that's got me absolutely nowhere!
I know I've said it before but Zara Thomson Ribeaud http://www.zarathomsonribeaud.com/ makes the most fantastic baskets, 2 of them are pictured here( & I might add, the pics just don't do them justice!). The plate displaying the asparagus was handpainted by Christopher Whitford & supplied by http://www.swanhouseminiatures.com", the beautiful crystal cakestand was made by Jim Irish, a former master cutter at Waterford Crystal & the cooling rack for the cherry pie by Carol Lester in UK.
It was an expensive business applying & I'm not sure that if I hadn't succeeded, I would have been submitting again! :-))
Keep everything crossed for me that this parcel is not one of the thousands that go missing!
They all look so yummy ^^
Exquisite as always! I cannot begin to imagine how you make these delights. I'm sure that grouping several into one pic would make a stunning presentation but it's nice to be able to enjoy them one by one, each the star of its own little show :)
Make sure you let us know what happens with that mail and we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief!
Lovely lovely work. I would go crazy with worry till they were back with me too! I hope your wait is over soon. Hugs~ Kim
I love the asparagus dish!
Hope it comes back home soon, safe and sound. :)
Exquisite is also the word I was going to use!!! Your work is beautiful and to think of any of your work getting lost in the mail would be a sin!
They are all so perfect Linda....I would love to sit and watch you make these amazing pieces....perhaps one day!!
Regards, Linda
Absolut outstanding pieces,you know how much I love your food!!!But the asparacus,oh my god,that's really ingenious!Hugs,Jeannette
these are wonderful pieces Linda !
I just love the basket of fruit and having seen a similar one on your stand at kensington can honestly say your pics are lovely but the real thing is just amazing !!!
I'm still waiting for my submission pieces to be returned too, am very anxious to have them back as I bet you are !
julie xxx
Oh wow, how fantastic everything looks! The cherry pie is simply perfect. Made me yearn for something sweet and tangy... Thank you for sharing the photos.
Stunning work Lin. Hope your parcel is returned safe and sound.
I love the Cherry pie right down to the pips in the Cherries..
Many Congratulations on your Fellow status you deserve it..xx
Ab-fab Lin - you so deserved the accolade.
Thanks Ladies for all your lovely words & you must've been praying for me...the parcel arrived safe & sound this afternoon!...PHEW! Julie, I'm hoping yours has arrived too! BTW has everybody taken a look at Julie's fabulous dolls..
http://www.bellabelledolls.co.uk/...my dollshouses are proud owners of a few of them! Mini hugs, Linda
I love your work. It's all so realistic.
omg this is totally awesome!! aaand awfully expensive!! those baskets are no doubt worth their money but with your food, those minis are pretty expensive :D
Would love to have one of them :)
Ohhhhhh...I have no words....what a wonderful work!!!
WAUW! Lost for words... stroling around the internet I am pleasantly surprised to stumble across very talented miniaturists and their gorgeous creations. But evry time I think it can't get any better i am blown away... This time in particular!
Still lost for words to praise your dedication, skills and your exceptional level of execution...
your cherrypie..oohmy!!
Hey Linda, they look GREAT!! My favorite is the very first piece- the croissants and pastries- uber realistic and so flaky looking! You submitted a good mix of different things, sweetie!
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