I have spent 3 WHOLE nights & 2 days rolling thousands of little balls to make these truffles ( well it seemed like thousands, maybe just the high hundreds!) I had a request to recreate a chocolate parcel that I had made a few years ago & like the nut that I am I thought, "well if I have to make one, I may as well make a couple & then I've got one to take to Kensington on 21st!" Then, as always, I'd mixed too much of each colour clay & I thought "NO! I'm not going to waste that".....so there I was, rolling these damned balls until I was nearly blind!...It was enough to put me off chocolate for a while! Happily though, I'm now back on it(the "real" thing, that is!)..I don't really think I could survive too long without it. Well,maybe for a day.....half a day...perhaps!! LOL

So then I had enough of those blasted little balls to fill a couple of jars too!
truffles are maybe a pain to make but you're so good at it! I love your truffles!
I think real ones are pretty easy to make :D just saying :P
And the little gift box is so adorable!
Hey stephanie..I love the new moniker! Yep, REAL truffles are soo much quicker to make than the mini variety...& a lot tastier!! LOL
I do not know which is the prettiest, the box or the jar. I love them both.Mini hugs Rosanna
I love.......
This is such an adoreable piece, it might have been a pain to make but it is well worth all the hard work....it's beautiful!!
Regards, Linda
You did a fantastic job!
These chocolates are trying me too ...
I can try?
ah ah !! Caterina
Oh, these look great! Absolutely great!
I love chocolate in real life, and your truffles are saying: EAT ME!!
The great result was worth the effort. They look perfect...!! ;)
Fantastico Trabajo Linda!
Tiene un premio en mi blog para recoger.
I love your work Linda.
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