It has been a pretty unpleasant couple of days since I got home from Al Ain, apart from my leg which is definitely letting me know that I have hurt it, the fact that my black labrador & I have both had to get used to not having my springer spaniel anymore as, at 16 & failing very rapidly, she was put to sleep while I was away & almost as bad, an order to fill
46 little jars of 21 different pickled veggies & jams....can you hear me sighing?!There is nothing worse than "having to do" something & I really fancied making some of the fabulous sweet cakes that the Emiratis love so much....the photos I took for reference are shouting at me from my workbench as I'm tediously making hundreds of cherries, eggs, green beans name it & I'm having to make it!!
I was so fed up last night with rolling thousands of chick peas (enough to fill 2 that's a whole lot of chick peas!!)that I went off on a tangent & made an apple meringue instead! Perhaps it was my way of stopping myself from actually heading to the kitchen cupboards & stuffing myself with "real" calories to keep me sane?

Then I made the fatal mistake this afternoon of checking into Sumaiya's mini food blog & there were the most fantastically tempting cookies & cake from Kim Saulter...guess what...3 choccie biscuits & a caramel chunky kitkat later....I'm blaming Sumaiya for the extra lbs that I put on every time I check into her blog!
:D ... now I want a KitKat!!!!
It's all rainy and gloomy outside, so I didn't want to run to the store ... but all this talk of cookies and candy makes me hungry ...
Girls... cookies and candy (especially chocolate) have been holding me hostage for weeks now. Kitkat from the frige yummy!!!!
Yikes stop that!!!!
Welcome home Linda. Your pie is to die for. I think I know what I will be having for dessert tonight. A cream pie from some where. ANYWHERE!!!! NOW.....Lol
awww Lin! so sorry to hear about your little springer, and then having to sit there and make an "order" - bleurgh! Hope your leg gets better soon, ouch it looks nasty! Vicky x
I'm sorry for your little frien. And for the chick peas as well.The meringue pie is truly scrumptuos
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