Monday, 10 February 2014

Escaping the relentless rain!

This time tomorrow I'll be in the air heading out to the heat of the desert! At least I hope it's going to be hot, the forecast for Wednesday in Al Ain is a mere 19C & guess what...yes...RAIN! At least that rain is going to be a whole lot warmer than the rain here in good old NE England!

I still have quite a long list of commissioned works to get done (not to mention filling the Portuguese dishes!) but as my middle daughter is due to give birth in March & will need my services as nurse, nanny, cleaner & chef, I thought I'd better fit in a visit to the youngest now! That's my excuse anyway & I'm sticking to it!

I have actually been organised enough this time to get several pieces ready & scheduled to pop up on eBay to finish when I get home! Amazingly unlike me! Here they are & I hope you like them!

 Someone has been making spaghetti bolognese & left the pans in a dirty heap!
 Italian breads!
 Fruit bowl
Tomato & basil bread


Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Fab as always Linda. Those dirty pots will have a mould over them by the time you get back! Have a great trip and make the most of the warmth. I'm currently in soggy England and can't wait to get home to warm up and dry out!
Not long to the new arrival, I hope all goes well for them. Gill xx

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...
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linsminis said...

Thanks really is soggy here isn't it...I'd much rather h av snow & lovely bright crisp days....oh well! xxxx

Contrastes-Rosa MÂȘ said...

Perfectos, feliz semana:-)

Unknown said...

Incredible work. I don't know how much time You actually spend on it but it looks like worth everything. And this tomato!

Marisa said...

Have a wonderful time! I love the dirty dishes but that's probably because I have the same thing waiting for me at home.

12Create said...

I just finished cleaning a heap of dishes and what do I see the minute I sit down to catch up on blogs - dirty dishes! They look fabulous as do the other items. Love the bowl of fruit.