Sunday 18 September 2011

Hubble Bubble Toil & Trouble!

This was great fun, if a challenge to make! A witches cauldron with an octopus type creature being boiled with bones, fingers & eyeballs! The  challenging bit came in getting the ladle to "float" above the cauldron whilst pouring out some of the green gunk to be found in the cauldron!

Do you think a witch might actually want a cauldron like this? :-))


17-17 said...

It's the perfect dish for a witch:)

onbeingaminimum said...

Gorgeously gruesome! I love it!!

Michelle said...

I adore it, and yes a witch would love it too! lol

Michelle :o))

Cris Bottaro said...

Really perfect!! Congratulations and kisses in the heart

Eliana said...


Julie Old Crow said...


Anonymous said...

gawd woman!!! that is definately a winner!!! fabulous!!! :D Linda x

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

Linda, me encanta ese caldero de bruja!

Sanschichis said...

Wow!!! Cette soup a l'air absolument délicieuse!