Monday, 11 July 2011

Cherries & pies!

I've been picking the cherries from my tree before the blackbirds steal them looks like a big Xmas tree at the minute with old CDs hanging from the branches reflecting flashes of light into the house! It has been a great year for the cherries this year & I have so many that I'm struggling to find things to do with them......


Garden of Miniatures said...

Sooooooo beautiful, I love it!!! Hugs,Jeannette

Eliana said...

beautiful miniature ... beautiful pictures ... amazing work!

Ivani Grande said...
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Ivani Grande said...

Maravilhoso!!adorei as cerejas passadas no açucar,como sempre trabalhos otimos...bjs

cockerina said...

Incredible! You have made even the stones ... magic! I love your work! spectacular!
xxx Caterina

LaLaLand said...

My mouth is watering! Just lovely. LOL, I hear you about the little black winged thieves! They get all of ours before we can get out there to pick them.

LaBelleCuisine Miniaturas / ShabbyParis Dolls said...

Fantastic work! I love it!

Patty said...

Linda, I love this prep board! Great photo too with the 1:1 cherries!!! Mail some to me!! LOL...I love cherries!!!

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

Precioso trabajo Linda y preciosa foto!

KC-Design said...

Fantastic!! Outstanding work.I looooooove it, Linda

MiniLover said...

I adore the uncooked pie! Wish my real ones looked that good!
