Tuesday 1 February 2011

Some REAL food for a change!

Just to make a change I've been making REAL foood today! Here's some homemade humous & Baba Ganouj.........I must be missing the UAE a bit today....I just had a real craving for some......even made the pittas to go with them! Just call me "Domestic Goddess" LOL

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kimsminiatures said...

Oh Nice Linda. I love real food. These look delicious. Feel free to share your real food anytime. Hugs~ Kim

Sans! said...

I love hummus! Yours look really yummmmmies

Sarita said...

OMG I made humus two days ago! It's so good and it was my first time making it! Yours looks yummy too!

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Mmmm, my favourite, hummus! And you've made so much! Looks good. Gill