Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Back to work & it isn't easy!

I'm really not a good blogger am I ......over a month since I managed to my defence though, it has been a very hectic month...there was that thing called Christmas in between. My house swells from the relative sanity of the two of us to 12 for the holiday period & the whole time goes by in a bit of a blur for me! Once they all go it takes me so long to get used to the quiet, empty wash basket & not having to run a 24hr restaurant!
Whether it's because of the lack of noise & bustle around me or just the grey miserable January weather, I am finding it really difficult to get back into the creating mood.....definitely a case of "mini-maker's block"!!
I forced myself back into the workshop yesterday & did manage to make these little you can see my mind is still firmly attached to alcohol!


Ivani Grande said...

Hi Linda!! glad you saved a glass of wine, so we can celebrate a wonderful year with lots of thumbnails and their work is beautiful .. bjs Ivani Grande

Unknown said...

Si, esta epoca del año está muy llena de obligaciones extras y nos trastornas nuestras rutinas. Los primeros dias con alegria y al final ya estamos deseando que se terminen.
Lo que has hecho hoy está en tu linea, perfecto. Me alegro que tus manos no se hayan olvidado de trabajas así de bien :
Feliz Año.
Besos Clara

Jollie said...

Very nice work! I love them :)

Warmest wishes, Jollie

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

It makes my mouth water!! Perfect displays, as always, Linda.