Monday 8 November 2010

Sweet Collection

I have been working night & day to try & make stock for Kensington on the 4th December. You might think that I've got loads of time but I head out to UAE on Thursday this week & have just short of a week when I get back to be ready for the show.....HELP!!

The last few days & nights I've been driving myself totally mad by making thousands of tiny luxury chocolates, the odd mince pie & marzipan Christmas pud cakes.....with a big sigh at 1.45am this morning I fixed the very last chocolate in place....THANK GOODNESS!  At the minute I never want to see another miniature chocolate again! Here's a small selection of what has kept me busy for what seems like a lifetime!


Julia and Hywel said...

They all look fabalous :)
Julia xx

Minimami said...

Stunning, is what I say! Who can resist them!

Debbie said...

Everything looks wonderful Lin. I'm sure they will be snapped up at

rosanna said...

Fabulous !!!! they are incredibly good! Rosanna

Unknown said...

¡Exquisito! Ahora descansa con el trabajo bien hecho.
Besos Clara

Faith said...


Patty said...

Your wonderful creations are always so over the top!! They really look so wonderful and unique! You will sell out! Have fun on your get away to the sun!!! :)

MiniLover said...

Can't wait to meet you at Kensington! And to add more of your minis to my collection.


Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

Your new items are wonderful, as always, Linda.
Good luck at the show!!!!

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

A really fabulous display! Best of luck at Kensington and enjoy your holiday. Gill x

Iris said...

They all looks wonderful!

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

Gran trabajo Linda!!
Mucha suerte en KDF.