Saturday 2 October 2010

Gingerbread Carousel

I'm not sure what inspired me to make this little confection but once I'd started I just couldn't put it down until I'd finished it! Would you believe that it took the best part of 3 nights in my sweatshop to create it...but it was worth it...or, at least I think it was!! :-))

3 gaily painted gingerbread horses, on candy poles, circle a cream & fondant iced centre & the top layer of gingerbread is topped with fondant iced gingerbread stars, cream & jelly beans. More jelly beans & cream decorate the edges of the bottom gingerbread base  & it measures 38mm to the top star.
It would make a welcome change from the more traditional gingerbread house at Christmas wouldn't it! To make the "real thing" would probably be a whole lot easier too:-)) 


Anonymous said...

oooooo love it!!! so cute :D x

rosanna said...

Bellissimo !!!!!

soledad said...

OMG! It's amazing! I love carousels!

Betty said...

Oh Linda that is one of the most original gingerbread houses I ever seen! I love it!

Debbie said...

Lin your little carousel is

Bridget said...

Incredible!! Oh, soo tiny. Love it.

Catherine / Mooghiscath said...

Ho , j'aime il est trop beau ce gâteau coloré .

Sanschichis said...

Quelle superbe idée!

Case di Bambola said...

Oh, I love it! Those tiny horses are superb! You've had a great idea :)

cockerina said...

that's great!! congratulations, I really like it!
kisses, Caterina

Stephanie Kilgast said...

oooh this is sooo adorable! Just precious! I love it :)

Totally worth the 3 nights :D

kimsminiatures said...

You are awesome Linda. Your gingerbread carousel is awesome too. What a work of art. Mini hugs~ Kim

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

Linda is beautiful and so different that makes it special.

Karin F. said...

most definitely worth the time to create it! Thanks for mentioning how long it took you; hate to think how long it would take the rest of us.
hugs Karin

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Love it! yet another of your very inventive designs. I've got a way to go from the cream horns! Gill x said...

Das ist aber sehr hübsch... und eine wundervolle Idee.

Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

Ivani Grande said...

esta maravilhoso seu carrosel,adorei as cores !!....bjs