Friday 13 August 2010

Probably the last post before "The Wedding"!!!

Very quickly, as I have my oldest daughter & her family here & it's bath & storytime now, here is the most beautiful, red oak, handturned, fruit ring filled with a selection of my handmade fruits!  The ring was turned by Bertie Pittman (you can find his fab turnings in his Etsy store - BertiesMiniatures) & measures 25mm in diameter & I filled it with raspberries, pears, peaches, cherries & apples. Only a week to go now & hopefully the weather here will improve for the wedding right now it feels like winter, is p*****g down & blowing a gale...lovely!


Unknown said...

¡Increible! No te importa el tamaño, siempre consigues frutas perfectas. Besos Clara

otterine said...

Gorgeous! You do such beautiful work. :D

dalesdreams said...

Fabulous! Your work compliment's Bertie's beautiful piece quite well.

Best wishes to the happy couple and hoping for beautiful weather. :)

Unknown said...

Wow this is stunning! I love all the colours you've included in there, really brings out the colour of the ring!

I hope the weather picks up for the wedding and best wishes to them!

onbeingaminimum said...

Fabulous. Still hoping to win one of your items on Ebay!

Just noticed you have an Etsy store. Off to investigate.

I am sure the sun will shine on your family's special day. Enjoy!

Debbie said...

Beautiful Lin, Love how you've displayed the fruit.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your Daughter, that the weather improves and that she has a wonderful Wedding Day and future happiness..xxxx

Whittaker's Miniatures said...

Your fruits are amazing Linda. Wishing you all a wonderful day. We are hoping the weather improves too for my eldest's 18th Friday. Cant believe its August can you!Have a great day, Kate

Patty said...

Linda, I love the fruit and the bowl that Bertie has made is fab!!! I hope your weather is perfect for next Saturday and all runs smoothly!!! We will look forward to more of your postings!!

Estefanía said...

Que maravilla! con que detalle haces todo lo que te propones, no parecen miniatura!. Ojalá tu hija tenga un gran día y sea muy feliz en esta nueva vida que se le presenta. Un beso.

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

A beautiful bowl of fruit. Have fun with your family and best wishes to you all for Saturday. I hope you get lots of sunshine for the special day, we're melting here - day and night!

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

Las cerezas están perfectas!!
Buenos deseos para la boda de tu hija.

Mancsi said...

You make unbeliveably super food, and veg. Congratulations!