I'm heading out to the UAE again at the weekend to spend some time in the sun...oh &, of course, with my youngest & her "partner"....so I've been desperately trying to finish all the UFO's (for the uninitiated..."unfinished objects"!)that are littering my workbench...here is one that has been "work in progress" for at least 2 months!! :_))

But...at last, I've finished it! As summer (did we actually have one here in the UK?!) has now gone I decided to give it the title of "It's never too late for a picnic"! Believe me...it is too late here in the North East of England, unless, of course, you were to put on thermal underwear & ski-ing gear...then perhaps.....!! LOL

By the way, to all those who read my blog (& I thank you!!)remember my last visit to UAE when on my return the escalator "ate" me.....please pray that this time it decides to eat somebody else & leaves me in peace!! LOL
Love the basket my dear! Don't worry about not posting often but I will still read your blog :)
So wonderful Linda. Really I love everything you make. I know we all could use more hours. But you can only do what you can do. Your things are worth the wait.
Have a wonderful visit and no more escalator attacks!
No worries I think all the blogs are a little slow right now.
Roll up a newspaper when you go on the escalator and swat it hard and say "Bad Escalator!" if it tries to eat you again!
Lovely hamper, I love pork pie. I aws in Scotland this Summer and I had a picnic...not in my skiing gear but nearly so. Anyway I loved every moment of it. Have a nice and peaceful flight
Thanks girls & Sumaiya...watch out for the international headline..."Eccentric English Miiaturist Attacks Kilburn Escalator With Newspaper"!!!...that'll be me!! ROFL
Now I can imagine my family and myself having a picnic in a wonderful place a sunny summer day...Wonderful
Linda as always your work is amazing!! I think I waste a few hours in my day, so when I work out how to send it to you, it is yours....use it wisely!!
You may not blog on a 'regular' basis, but we know when you do it will have been worth waiting for!!
Enjoy your time away and safe travels....
What a beautiful picnic lunch! Makes me hungry looking at it and longing for the lazy summer days already--we're still in the 70's here during the day and peaks to 80's in the southern US but nights are getting cooler!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Mi más sincera felicitación, es preciosa esta cesta de picnic, super real, genial, es usted una fuente de inspiración, hace unos trabajos maravillosos.
ummm que rico todo!!
Necesito una igual, y unos cuantos dias más de vacaciones.
Buen trabajo!!
2 months? wooow! Now that's what I call put aside :D :D
It looks wonderful though! Absolutely perfect!
Now I'm hungry!
Yum does that look delicious or what! I am impressed about those tomatoes, even the little seeds are separate..Darn, Linda you set the standards very high here;) Lol
precioso ,increiblemente bien realizado , es fantastico lo real que esta.
saludos Loly
Precious(Beautiful), incredibly well realized, the royal(real) thing is fantastic that this.
Regards Loly http: // lolyaliminis.blogspot.com
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