Saturday 12 March 2011 I've gone Topiary Tree Mad!

After actually  finishing that poor neglected pink UFO the other day, I've gone absolutely topiary tree mad...just send the men with the straight-jackets round now!

Here's a licorice allsorts tree!

& I thought making all those marshmallows was a pain......try almost 2 days of making licorice allsorts! Totally NUTS!


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'd never heard the term "licorice allsorts", so I just looked it up - it's interesting, how they came to be created.

Nice work!

Pamela ~

Stephanie Kilgast said...

yaaay for candy trees!!

Garden of Miniatures said...

Oh,this is Haribo Colorado in Germany!Can't buy this,it's the favourit sweet of my little daughter and I think she will try to eat it :-)!Very funny idea Linda !!!Hugs,Jeannette

onbeingaminimum said...

I love it! Yum,yum!!

linsminis said...

LOL Jeannette! My daughter would want to eat it too & she's 26!! Oh don't know what you're missing they are yummy! Thanks guys...pleased you like it!

Ascension said...

Son deliciosas........perfectas!!!!
besitos ascension